Our commitment to sustainability

Our mission is to help you be the very best version of yourself. That means contributing to an environment where you can thrive.

Climate change is an active threat to our planet and our lifestyles. As an e-commerce brand shipping globally, we acknowledge that we are part of the problem. But we are also committed to being part of the solution. Sustainability isn’t just a trend—it’s a necessity.

Offsetting our carbon footprint

From product design to supply chain, we aim to be environmentally conscious every step of the way. Wherever we can, we're taking action to reduce our carbon footprint.

We’re getting there, but we haven’t reached zero emissions yet, which is why we collaborate with globally certified partners to offset our CO2 production. As a result, we’ve achieved carbon neutrality.

What does it mean to be carbon neutral?

It means that for all the carbon dioxide (CO2) that we produce from shipping, we remove the same amount from the atmosphere.

The way we do that is by funding carbon-offsetting projects around the world.

How does it work?

You buy, we pay. For every purchase made on our website, we plant a tree. Find more about the project here.

Also, we calculate the carbon cost, which varies depending on weight, volume, and shipping distance.

Then, we match that amount with investments in carbon-offsetting projects: for all the carbon produce, we remove just as much, resulting in a net impact of zero.

Who are our partners?

We finance innovative companies that are dedicated to reversing climate change.

Some of these projects include:

  • Pachamama - reforestation
  • Climeworks - carbon capture
  • Charm Ind. - renewable energy
  • Running Tide - carbon sinking

Shipping more sustainably

Our motto is: think locally, act globally. That means when our products make the trip from manufacturing centers in Asia to distribution centers in Europe and the US, we aim to have the least environmental impact possible.

According to Forbes, 24% of shipping space coming out of Asia is wasted. We're doing our part to resolve this issue by maximizing quantity in our containers. And if our shipments don’t fill an entire container, we happily share the space.

Once shipments arrive at the port, our products make the final leg of the trip to distribution centers by train, rather than truck, to further limit carbon emissions.

How else can we help?

As the philosopher Laozi said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

We’re proud of the actions we’ve taken to improve sustainability, but we know these are only band-aids on a planet-sized problem. Our sustainable shipping efforts and carbon offsetting are a modest but appropriate start and a push toward a cleaner, more sustainable way of doing things. As a global company, this is our responsibility, and we’ll continue to do our part.

Know how we might be able to contribute even further? Please let us know! We’re always looking for new ways to fight climate change. Email us at [email protected].